Can heating and air conditioning help with allergies?

Yes…but! For many, spring has a reputation for allergies while others might even experience worse allergies in the fall. This can be for reasons including the brisk weather and starting to turn on the heat. This may leave you wondering, can the furnace cause allergies to worsen?

During the summer dust, dander and allergens can build up overtime. When the heat is turned on, this can cause those pollutants to be forced through the ventilation and into the house. There are ways to help with this.

  1. Replace your air filter
    Regularly changing out your filters is the first and simplest step in reducing airborne allergens. A clean filter is much better at stopping these particles and pushing clean air through your ventilation system.
  2. Schedule a duct cleaning
    Not only do small particles buildup on filters, they can also collect in vents. An air duct cleaning may help minimize allergy symptoms and keep your air system running more efficiently. When you schedule an air duct cleaning, our technician will inspect and clean components including your supply/return ducts and registers, grilles and diffusers.
  3. Properly maintain your furnace
    Regular service and proper maintenance is a major factor when it comes to having the most efficient air system. Before turning your heat on this season, it pays to be sure that your filters and air ducts are clean and everything is in the best working condition. 

Properly maintaining the air system can help filter your home’s air and control its humidity, which both help dramatically with allergies. But properly maintaining your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is the difference between it helping with allergies and aggravating them. Here is everything that we recommend to help minimize allergy symptoms:

Photo by Corinne Kutz

To keep your air conditioner helping, rather than affecting, your allergies:

  • Have your air conditioner cleaned and maintained at least once a year
  • Change your air filters regularly
  • Use a higher MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rated filter. Try at least an 8 rating
  • Clean any debris or dust around both your outdoor and indoor air conditioner units to avoid it being pulled into the unit and introduced into your home
  • Dust indoor registers and returns often
  • Inspect your ductwork and HVAC unit (drip pan and drain, evaporator coils, air handler) for signs of leaks, corrosion, or mold
  • Consider upgrading your air conditioner if over 10 years old
  • Keep doors and windows closed while your air conditioner is running
  • Consider adding on a HEPA filtration air filter

Let Us Help You With Your Allergies

If you’ve taken all the steps to reduce allergens and still worry that there may be something you’re missing, give us a call. We are happy to discuss solutions to keep your family healthy and happy!